>>22698329 (pb)
Kek. The truth is like sunlight to you vampiric fags.
>>22698329 (pb)
Kek. The truth is like sunlight to you vampiric fags.
Kek. I got the filter for poasting a video of newspaper articles showing Jews screaming about the 6 gorillion™ 20 years before the evil, German guy took power. Irony at its finest.
Kek. Gonna make some people angry, Anon.
Kek. It's uncanny….
Kek. They're not normies, Anon. They can afford eggs to throw at people.
>The American people pay them well enough to throw eggs.
AIPAC and Soros-aligned NGOs pay them more, I assure you.
>Q said military is the only way.
Trips Chkt. It's going to get ugly before it gets better. The Roths and Co are bringing out all the stops. Running out of cards to play.
Fucking kek! When is this manlet going to get his comeuppance? He's like the liberal version of Nick Fuentes.
> Interdasting indeed….
Why do you think (((they))) scream anti-Semitisms™ when people talk about the "Sheeny Curse?" That conspiracy™ had to originate from somewhere and in every conspiracy there are elements of truth.
>Deflecting your stupidity at getting emotional over a meme.
Projecting your stupidity at getting emotional over a meme of that faggot Nick Fuentes. Go die in a fire, Shlomo.
>Can't tell a meme from a real twat post, doubles down on emotional outrage, makes shit up.
Kek. I'm not the one defending Sisson, am I? I never said it was fake or ghey. I merely pointed out that faggot needs a comeuppance. You're the one who had to defend his honor on a fake tweet.
Grande was a Disney sex kitten, was she not?
>They can't argue without him
He's their boogeyman, after all. He's the only guy in history, whose country could create shotguns with barrels that could bend backwards and curve bullets back at the shooter, when fired.
>You still watch and believe CNN anon?
Still projecting, I see.
It's funny 'cos it's true….. His translated speeches are all the rave now. Completely different from what I was told growing up.
You have to admit their stories are ridiculous….
I'm Gen X. We were absolutely brian-washed that evil only takes the form of Nazis. Then, they threw up Shindler's List to solidify it.
>not anymore….
Chkt and firmed. I made my eldest do a paper on Europa in 8th grade. Middle kid is doing it this year.
>you were programmed, and your minds were weak enough for it to take.
Gen-X was the litmus test, Moran. There's areasonGen Z is rebelling. They're /our kids/.
Kek. I see you and I raise 88 dubs.
>Hitler was a Rothschild, divide and conquer
Zing! Give the Anon a shekel! (((They))) have been playing both sides, for centuries. If people haven't figured out after Zelensky and Ukraine that Jewsarethe "Nazis," well we have no hope and they cannot be saved.