KEK. It's happening more and more now where another anon will post an image and I think to myself, "That's pretty fuckin' good. Kind of looks familiar though." Then go and check the site where I make the things and sure enough, right there saved on the site is the original. I find that hilarious actually. "Wait, did I make that? Oh yeah, I did. Forgot about that one."
You're seriously looking for social media followers here? That's a filter.
I'm sure the 84% of the global population that identifies with a religious group of some kind are all wrong and your superior intellect hold the key? KEK! It's real, dude. Believe or not, that's the beauty of it, the choice is yours.
KEK! So faith is an opinion to you? I have no more time to waste on an intellect as superior as yours.
It's the smug arrogance that's the main tell. The same scent that comes off of vegans touting the superiority of their virtue signalling diet that's malnourishing their body and brain.
Yeah, but unlike the attempt to smear someone with that personality flaw failed, seeing as that was a projected personality flaw. You're the narcissist, not SP.
Imagine calling someone a narcissist for two years when the person making the accusation is the one displaying that personality flaw. They're so fuckin' stupid.
Oh look, Hitler apologists. How typical and low IQ.
>Catholicism encompasses 'all' religions
No it's not. That's like saying Ford encompasses all motor vehicles.
It's funny watching Canadian news portray the tariffs as an existential threat to western society, and Turdeau trying to talk tough by saying POTUS Trump wants to crash the Canadian economy with the tariffs so he can annex Canada.