To any anon hope-fagging the Trump address:
How well has your date-fagging worked out for you so far?
To any anon hope-fagging the Trump address:
How well has your date-fagging worked out for you so far?
Nah… we just need to stamp out magical thinking, claims without evidence and the notion that belief without basis is somehow a virtue.
>It's called, "a personal choice."
I can chose to believe that Potassium Cyanide is not poisonous.
I'll still die if I ingest it.
You choosing, without evidence, to believe in a god doesn't make your sky-daddy real.
>I'm sure the 84% of the global population that identifies with a religious group of some kind are all wrong
Appeal to majority isn't an argument. And yes, they are ALL wrong. They don't even agree with each other.
>KEK! It's real, dude.
Sauce: Trust me bro.
>Believe or not, that's the beauty of it, the choice is yours.
I prefer to believe in what I have evidence for. Not just believing on the basis of dogma.
>So faith is an opinion to you?
It's literally ALL faith is - Opinion, without basis.
If you knew you'd not need faith.
>check being this shallow
Not blindly accepting an ancient script created with the sole intent to control the minds of our ancestors makes me shallow?
Very much.
It seems you're deluded into thinking that depth of character is predicated on ones unwillingness to question their dogmatic worldview.