But she didn't betray the American taxpayer. That money was ordered released for work already completed. Whether you like the decision or not, if the work wasn't illegal then the people that did the job do deserve compensation of some form. Not saying I like it, but the decision is the right one.
>there were actual people working? doing jobs?
You think they didn't look into the contracts to find out if work was done? Are you implying they just released random billions not attached to any contract?
What does that have to do with the original topic, the judgement about the money being released for verified work already completed? You're making a blanket statement off of one instance.
>Not sure, stabbed me in the back IRL over TV lies about Trump
Suck it up, buttercup, no time for reminiscing despair.
Just one more thing, shouldn't you be posting pictures of Homelander having a psychotic break or namefagging as KewpieIsAPedo?
There's the dumbest and weakest of the NPC mimics. A fucking baker that namefags to mock one anon. Runs through the exact same opening every single time, no change to it. Shows little to no ability to reason or react to questions. Just an Absolute Retard clown weakling.