As long as the more moderate Dems are satisfied to let the communist wing dominate their platform, they will LOSE LOSE LOSE.
there's two ways to say "good luck"
1 - sincerely (before a big project)
2 - ironically (expressing disbelief in capabilities)
good song for capturing the quality of ambiguity….
or disbelief that something is actually possible
wow, remember that notice when we were digging so long ago
at the time, Maya Harris didn't ring a bell…..
> notables are but a shadow of their former self.
the difference is that Q was posting and many notables were on Q digs.
we miss Q but still dig based on our own investigations and intuitions
completely fake "OP"
>any 'mission' he is on is to attack and disrupt this board.
could be sincere but if so, he's NUTCASE