The european deep state is planning a new war in the south of europe. They are not pleased with the white genocide in ukraine slowing down.
I suspect they will try to start a new WW3 in the same place WW1 started. The WG needs to speed up. The proto-europeans in aren't dying fast enough
Seems so. Troops (with masks) are being stationed around pre-war borders again and paramilitary is being mobilized to kill some more protoeuropeans that believe wrong things. I suspect the DS will try to pin the blame on russians as well. It's a 4D move.
This might happen.
1: Mysterious troops set off a few mass murders.
2: Local militia retaliates
3: Triggers schizos to schizo. Street thug nationalists rally paramilitary squads to kill more rando whites.
4: Turkey gets involved&Helps bosnians. Nato gets involved helps croatians. Russia gets involved helps serbs. WW3 Hello.
All while all eyes are on ukraine. And then when all is over, mudfloods per standard respons.
Seems like nobody cares that white people are dying, as long as they are the "wrong faith" or "wrong ideology".
Will europeans work for free to defend pajeet now? How will they get free moneys?