KEK. They're sending out their mighty despairfag now. Might as well watch him fail again.
One is disobedience to authority, the other is organized action and/or violence against an authority structure.
There's always shit to be found in the diamonds, or something along those lines anyway.
It's a lame gimmick used for a divide and conquer narrative. Filtered. The problem is you, not them.
Just the same old attacks they rotate through. Seems this bread they're focusing on their favorite group to hate that they focused on for over half a decade until they lost their collective marbles when their bullshit was globaled to never be notabled. Same old propaganda and division from the same old stale clowns. I've yet to see any innovation or creativity from them in all this time, all they can do is imitate or deface what's already been made.
Because they've been indoctrinated to care about and chase things that are irrelevant to their happiness.
If it was truth they wouldn't have to IP hop to spam it. Compelled listening is required for lies. Truth spreads on its own.
>What would someone tell you if they had reincarnated and remembered 1,000 lifetimes.
Try the roast beef. Don't forget to tip the waitress.
Spring! I can order fountain pen ink and not have to worry about it freezing and breaking the bottle and getting all over the place during shipping!
>nikked it!
Yeah, most people do. Some even develop entire imitation routines around what I meme and the meme rotations I use. And of course to write the acronym on it. Why am I not surprised.
I even make them insecure under anonymity. You should see the heebie jeebies I can give a person IRL.