Anonymous ID: 56cbcb March 5, 2025, 4:18 p.m. No.22710390   🗄️.is 🔗kun


He did resign, but as head of the Liberal Party, until they elect a new leader.


The same scam his "father" Pierre pulled in the late 70's, got him a bunch more years as PM when no one ran against him in the Librano Party. Justine's tryin' to draw to an inside straight on this one.

Anonymous ID: 56cbcb March 5, 2025, 4:19 p.m. No.22710396   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Gonna need a shoehorn to fit in here with Ship's ego, but here we go….


Shipwreckedcrew @shipwreckedcrew


I would also note that the "virtue signaling" stunt by Dellinger and Harris to try and gum up the dismissal of probationary employees likely factored into this decision.


It showed how the Admin. was irreparably harmed by not being able to control an Exec. branch official who is a Presidential appointee – but a holdover from a prior Admin.


Dellinger's Follies I called it in two X articles.


I win again.




Shipwreckedcrew @shipwreckedcrew


The DC Circuit Court of Appeals has just vindicated CJ Roberts.


The Court has just granted the Motion to Stay the Order of Judge Amy Berman Jackson that Hampton Dellinger remain as head of the Office of Special Counsel while he litigates the legality of his dismissal without cause in alleged violation of the statutory requirement that he can be removed only "for cause."


Chair of the MSPB Cathy Harris was allowed to join the proceedings as amicus – the same issue applies to her, with Judge Contreras having ordered that she remain in her position while litigating her dismissal.


This is "regular order". Judge Jackson issued a ruling on the merits Saturday night, granting summary judgment for Dellinger. The DOJ filed a Notice of Appeal, and a Motion to Stay Judge Jackson's order that Dellinger remain as head of the Office of Special Counsel.


The Appeals Court has now undone her Order while the appeal is pending. That means the TRO and Prelim Injunction are vacated and the firing of Dellinger is now back in effect.


I expect the same will happen next to Cathy Harris.


The Supreme Court held a motion to vacate Judge Jackson's TRO "in abeyance" while she was considering the merits. She acknowledged such during the hearing when she said she understood the Supreme Court was watching over her shoulder.


BUT, the Appeals Court has now done its job – meaning the decision by SCOTUS to respect "regular order" was the correct one.


That said the panel granting the stay has two GOP appointees Judge Henderson (Bush 41) and Judge Waker (Trump). DOJ was fortunate in the draw in that regard. … 7205753327