Will trump be able to stop the new war in the south of europe?
>Spamming vance face photoshopped everywhere
>Thinking you are going to get away with it
This is the person who did it. Enjoy.
I am getting lots of comms and signals from southern europe guys. Shits about to get real. If it pops off it will make the blood bath in the 90s seem like a babyshower.
Drug and alcotest in whitehouse next?
All while europeans are dying.
"Yes sir. This is the board. No sir, we are not sure whats going on. We don't really understand the code yet. We are experiencing some difficulty while separating the spam from the memes at the moment. Yes sir."
This hostility is pointless. America has the right to set its own tariffs. There is nothing hostile about that.
Trump needs to call him. And set this straight ASAP. Perhaps even make a deal.
Trump needs to call him. This toxic female gossiping needs to stop.
This is the bottom line. The dirt of the dirt.
Those were the good days. I wonder if we could organize a good honkening in america together with trump. I bet it could be a good rally.
I still can't believe media is crickets about the russian gas deal kek. This is absurd
It was quite tame.
Why is natural selection a concept that is so hard to grasp for modern generations?
And therefore they are blind to how evolution works? Therefore they cannot understand how phenotypes are picked?
just make it into a full triangle already
I'm tired of these uppity governors
literally nobody cares
why doesn't the daily stormer partner up with goyimtv?
yeah next bait will southern europe. That one is a high risk, for all sides.
Cute family. They look a little derpy. But they are struggling, just like all of us. I wish them the best!
in this case, the place where WW1 started.
Probably the same people that decided that colonizing mars was easier than colonizing the moon.
it looks pretty good ngl
that dude used to run a PUA channel before he became a commie grifter. he used to call chicks piss-princess and shit. Now all that content has been memory-holed. kek
Tate brothers were banned from leaving the (romanian) country. It was only after pressure from the US Government that the romanian gov removed the ban and let them leave. Has nothing to do with USAIDS.
Is this better than homelessness?
Macaron gives you the scary eye. What do you do?
China is secretive about its reserves.
Former British defence minister calls for conscription to send men to Ukraine
Please be so kind and clear out the minefields in the meat grinder, you cuckholds!
Are you scared of this 5'3 man in high heel boots? Does he scare you?
Ah! My good sir! The niggers are busy looting and impregnating your daughters in their long-term unemployment status. So, my lord, as you can see that won't work I'm afraid. sips tea
Jake Evans killed his sister and mother because they were racist. Holy shit.
Is it possible to build high-trust societies with low IQ individuals?
It gave him the attention he wanted.
Godda admit. Miller is breddy good at handling the DS fake news journos.
Should we use the One Ring?
Lets see her walk around like that in new york
Now lets see her call people that IRL
tik tok is pretty funny ngl
sand niggers about to get btfo in 5…4…3…
she has a kind soft heart. She should do some interviews with PearlyThings
All evidence is gone. They all got away. Bad press.
I wonder if jesus would approve of the whites getting genocided in their own countries..
Poor girl. She is so lost