deja vu all over again.
Turn about is fair play. BTW
Is this two day delay from when there were coms about this??
old news. fake and gay
ya got me.
They are very good a cheating.
Must stay up nights thinking up ways to cheat.
Why they're so good at stealing elections - WORLD WIDE?
like a vampire, they just won't die.
Rogan and AJ both.
And Marked DICE
Why now?
all a sudden?
The guy he's talking to I absolutely don't trust.
He's an "It's the JOOs " promoter. Does it very slick.
Maybe don't agree there.
Many more chances to make a mistake than do the right thing?
Pure statistics?
So foolish or insane is worse in a way, than evil.
Since evil will has limits, it has a goal
But Dems are foolish and stoopid (shallow) AND Evil
so there's that.
Being foolish is worse than evil
Because evil has limits.
They may pretend foolish often (W. Bush, Biden) to cover their evil.
Our oppoa
more "into" ascension church
" in the course of justice, none of us
Should see salvation:
we do pray for mercy;
And that same prayer doth teach us all to render
The deeds of mercy."
When appropriate.
political persecution. bad conditions elsewhere. That's what libs are told.
A CNN level lie.
i get it. I missed the joke. soory.
yeah, he was a member of the British Royal fam. farmed out to a foster Dad.
Probably trained in Africa? For his acting job (same as Barry? )
The Joo Haters think he was a hero. Figures.
Stanley Ann also resembles Mary Vetsara.
he pushes "its the jews"
Phillip , weirdness around these people
to be Q research orientated.
some of the answers / questions were about the lineage of Angela Merkel.
And to look into her middle name.
So there's a female lineage too.
Merkel's middle name "Dorothea"
is apparently important, and traces back in a female line of nobility.
the letter "P" probably has more than one meaning?
Payser. :Paiser, Pfiser.
and there's the "P" on the early cross
Pharoah ?
better late than never.
but ya know. Bannon said a good thing about "the pepe-s" just the other day.
He signaled that he knew it could get him in trouble.
He said the pepe-s were fierce, as if they were a tribe which had gone extinct.
yes, the name is obviously fake.
He's supposedly a "greenburg"
The name was used in a comical scene in the movie "Network" where 'snowden" was the name of a CIA officier somebody in the Network was talking to over the phone.
It's a joke name.
"like SnowJob"
These are the OG's?
Zuk definitley looks now like he been though some kind of "training"
Remember the guy behing him ,when he was questioned in Congress?
this OG Zuk was maybe replaced?
no, it was DEW exotic
how bout sending in the five things you did last week so you can keep your job?
He could be POTUS. He ran for that
"alex jones"?
The people who are threatening Jim are sick people. Sick and twisted.
Go back to Langley
Oh it's under threat now.
so sad so bad.
sick shills. maybe hired psychos.
The actor replaced the OG
There was an original
That's why the impostor never looks his supposed age
Board Owner saved our board.
Jew Hater NAZI can't let it go.
they screwed up and lost control of the board
They're sill crying about it
shill are shook up today.
it must be you.
You'e quite sick
Too FBI is getting cleaned out and you're losing your job
I understand a lot of agents where you work, are into child porn and child torture.
your days are numbered.