Granny or not.
K, well didn't know that. Got some sauce for that?
Democrats are desperately seeking relevance. All their previously use catch phrases and talking points keep blowing up in their faces. Each day, more and more people don't want to touch them without some kind of protection against viral infection.
When you watch the vids of the Dems from last night, you suddenly realize that the Dems don't give a crap about anything but their own petty selves.
Reminds me of the battle of Waterloo. What bankers funded BOTH sides? Why would they do that?
Modern day. Who funds all sides today? Bankers? Bankers with "friends?" Federal reserveโฆcoughโฆ.cough.
There is a missing element in that meme. Ukraine wanted the money, Bidet was the supplier and part of his end of the deal was that his son got a "job." So who actually initiated this "deal?" Ukraine, or did Bidet just take advantage of a potentially profitable deal? Some bit of information is missing from this equation from what I can see.
If they hadn't entered our country illegally, they wouldn't NEED sanctuary.
The dems are trying to call "harboring a criminal" something else.
Refugees from what? Justice?
That would probably just cause more shit. I would suggest a catastrophic "accident."
It was really more of a rhetorical question.
Face you make when you ARE the shit.