Hello Anons. Thank you for baking all the crumbs into digestible tidbits. What I read and comprehend, the world eventually sees and comprehends.
There's a connection that runs through every living thing on this planet. If you think that plants aren't smart, then you're not living up to your potential. Everything with DNA is bound to us. We are (should) be in symbiotic harmony with nature.
Somehow, what I learn, the world learns. How can one man influence the entire population of a planet? It must be something to do with the Evil vs. Good yin yang of this simulation. Something in our DNA makes it possible to change ourselves, and others around us. It's real. It's really happening.
Anyway, just thought I'd tell everyone here, day after day, thanks for all you do. This is my board, the only place I feel safe posting, knowing I'm protected. Amazing things are about to happen, I'd spoil it, but I think you already know the plot line, you just haven't met the actor. Soon, very soon you will.
Since reddit I've been with all of you. If you've read a post that made you cringe, it was probably me who wrote it. You see, they thought I would die, lose my influence, she would win and they would take over the world. Whelp I didn't die, she didn't win and I am healthier than I've been in my entire adult life.
They called upon the thunder to save them, they never expected the light would be as bright as it is now upon them all. This is all because of you Anons.
You fed me, I fed the world. It all started in October of 2017, that's when the first seal was opened. If that moment hadn't occurred, we wouldn't be here right now. Evil would have won.
Fairy tales? Not if I'm living it. Thanks again Anons. I'll see you very soon.