Anonymous ID: 8e9f2a March 6, 2025, 2 p.m. No.22715680   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Agree almost every BS cause around the world.


HOWEVER, as far as "nohing in return", not sure what usa was expecting, but nothing is NOT it.

If only the usa actually knew how much the usa was hated by 95% of the global pop…maybe usa will open eyes?

Anonymous ID: 8e9f2a March 6, 2025, 3:10 p.m. No.22716036   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6062


>What happened just before that (mid 70's)


From memory:

school milk stopped in mid-late 70's

"corn syrup" started to be a thing, in now a days everything

factories started introduce "soy" into everything

can-o-la (prev calle rape seed as gave cancer) made a come-back, & today most? all? pre pack foods contain or are cooked in can-o-la …(goes to ya ass afaik, ask body doen't know how to process it.), same same as clot shot clogging veins etc as body not sure what to do with non-animal products so "stores" them. you are what ya eat…

Anonymous ID: 8e9f2a March 6, 2025, 3:15 p.m. No.22716068   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Agree with what say'n, "animal" products can be consumed as human DNA knows / has learned to process them…chems not so much.


However, some food for thought. Back in day anons mum used to buy a #10 chicken for sun roast. (that 1 pound in old money or 500grams in new). on occation mum would splash out & get a #11 or #12…bigger, more meat. Today can buy same species of bird, that weight 2500 grams or 2.5Kg or ~5lb … some how that species has grown 5x, interesting part is if we did that to cows, (made the 5x bigger) they would be the size of a 2 story house, upside, wouldn't need a milking stool, milking could be done standing.