>“They’re Stealing Kids” – Corrupt Social Workers the Norm – Good Social Workers Don’t Last”??
I hear there's a child stealing ring being operated in Massachusetts by the "Committee for Public Service Counsel"
The scheme is that they put court-appointed lawyers in place to represent the mothers whose children are the subject of removal proceedings, and then the "mother's lawyer" actually helps the state steal the children from the parents.
One lawyer allegedly involved is in Pittsfield, Mass and is named Sara Habhab.
Habhab is an Army veteran who, by all outward appearances, is a patriotic veteran serving as a humble public servant, i.e., as a court-appointed attorney.
But the rumor is that Sara Habhab and other CPCS attorneys purportedly representing the biological mothers are in place only to give the illusion of a justice system, while these allegedly corrupt lawyers allegedly work behind the scenes to ensure that the babies are removed from their biological mothers.