Ill believe grok over an obnoxious cunt on the Internet any day ov the week, you kno yer spouting shite, we kno yer spouting shite so why bother??
Trying tae mak yer breath smell better or summit??
No ah said i believe it over you can ye no read aswell??
So ill upgrade ye tae illiterate cunt…
Ill assume thats a mossad operation aswell going by the shill spouting shite about the origins ov the word, an by that logic it must mean the entire korean gaming community is also a mossad operation…(smh)
Liberals or mossad mak up yer mind…
An ye kno fuk aw about me so stop guessing yer jus makin yerself look the cunt ye clearly are but yer projection is very insightful…
Consensus building very guud…
I concur anon, clowns cant help but clown, kek…
Why would ah use english when i speak scottish ya moronic cunt….
Nope north ov the border try again yer guessing is way off…
Any sauce yet or is that an admission yer full ov shite??
Keep on hopping…hoppity hop hop…
Iv herd that about the stuarts and their bloodline im pretty theres a few still around?
I kno that trumps mum was scottish from the outer hebridies i think and if so he could ne alot of the nobles went to the isles after the purge by the english back way then..
Your rite about the current "royal" imposters they are not the tru heirs to the throne…
Hey RP hows the kiddie fiddling going today??
On aw yer ID's wow im touched..kek…