Based baker, the gentleman of gentlemen. And a strawberry bro too. Hell yeah.
>Talk ultra quietly
>Mention completely out of context rare terms
>How dare you misunderstand me mr president!? Are you demented?
They were never this rough with Biden.
I just looked it up "TPS" means temporary protected status.
I've never seen this acronym before.
It's their free will to do as they please. Nobody is forcing them to buy american products. Maybe they will come back to their senses eventually. They have the right to be as butthurt as they want.
Unless they are engineers or doctors, these schools are most likely just scams. And even in these cases 50% of the courses contain scam content.
can hollywood stop making movies so confusing
This is the worst forced meme of all time. Certainly #1 worst. Look at that guy to the right. He probably thought he would get laid with the chick if he did this.
Shits going down in south europe again. Retarded Media is crickets as usual.
I was about to say the balkans because southern europe is usually associated with spain and portugal
Hopefully there will be peace in southern europe. I like those dudes.
Want to know a secret? MAGA means witch in latin.
You don't need an entire state to shitpost, mam.
seems like shills are just randomly counter-signalling at this point
according to the shills everything and everyone is a pedo except the troongrooms and deep state.
Sometimes they let loose and take off the mask. It's quite entertaining.
based elon
Elon is almost certainly a strawberry enjoyer
Nobody can berry whats strawing. Lets face it
shills in suicide watch
Everything leftists touch turns into a wall of text
Once you see this. Wait 30 seconds and then do rollerino.
Good luck anons. May the berries be with you.
Those contracts need to be nulled and broken ASAP.
His birthdown Gdansk was called Danzig before ww2? It used to be almost purely german. No surprise he doesn't look slavic.
lucky bastid kek
Did they find the gold in fort knox or not? Did that entire event get memory holed? wtf
so is tusk german or not, he doesn't even look slavic bro
Best looking trophy ever
can we just use drones to watch the border
Are you watching the RSBN stream guys? get in faggots
stop being a fag, get in