Give this trophy to the baker.
its a cool trophy ngl. cool gadget.
Rate my civ5 gameplay city build
Meat-grinder dodgers caught at the border.
Panic is growing. We need to find a way to monetize this.
its a nice trophy. They should give a copy to trump
nice diggies
I enjoy watching him make leftards pissed off. Thats about it. Don't really care about anything else.
Youth Border Scout Legion - YSL, the youth scout legion, organization and sorority for young republican males that organize, syndicalize, workout and study paramilitary history for the purposes of securing the southern border. A republican youth organization of american patriots and breeding ground for future elite soldiers and civilians with high trust missions.
Does it sound good?
Illegals that self-deport are based
What are the satanists up to? What are they planning?
I can feel them conspiring
the entire fort knox audit got memory holed kek. All news got bleached and retardo-media is crickets (as usual).
Vance spammers: Found
Ice leakers: Found
Tesla troonterrorists: Found
All I wanted was to play games. They forced this.
If boomers try to get in the way of my games I will ruin your life too. My gaming won't stop.
>starts shitting on gamers
>everything starts going to hell
What a shock.
how come media is always crickets on masonic crime
Elon will impregnate AOC and her kid will become a republican
Haiiiii yaaaaah!!!!
Why do they need grants if they are taking so much money from students?
hillary retaliates that diddy snitched on her
Should companies be allowed to beat their employees?
Should I just become an egg-farmer?
Smuggling eggs pays more than smuggling cocaine
Jesus was a good guy. What do they have against jesus? His entire existence is simply being a symbol of friendliness. Makes zero sense.
but he was just a cool dude that was friendly and then died. It's not even some extreme character or anything
Then make sure your race never has children ever again please.
Sounds like you belong to a minority race that thinks quantity will beat quality. Does begging for tolerance benefit your kind a lot these days?
I wonder how natural selection of phenotypes work? But I'm not that worried. Send my greetings to your wife. I hope she is happy with the insemination.
How come your kind is losing the genetic game? All your genes will be flushed out from this universe. Your race will die.