Everything i dont lik is mossad huh RP??
Point 1=wrong…
Point 2 =wrong…
Point 3 =wrong…
Yer no doing too guud this evening huh RP??
Try shilling mossad harder mibbie thatwork fur ye…
No its you RP thats proven…
An yer memes are shite while im at it…
Holy fuk that's super stretching, is that whut yer reduced tae RP?? That an the constant hopping, ye really are a lame little tranny aren't ye…
RP is glowing hard tonight, aw that consensus building to itself must be tiring after a while…
There ye go anon its called google translate! Kek…
Ah concur it is being a pain in the arse tho…
There won't b any its jus RP slinging shite about tae see whut sticks its evolved fae the las bread where everything it dosent lik is mossad an if ye question it your declared a pedo or a clown or sum other bollocks an then when it loses the arguments it starts its declaring yer filtered…
No your RP not an anon get it rite…