Tucker Carlson and Texas AG Ken Paxton talk about how George Soros funded DAs now cover 70% of the entire Texas population and have allowed the cartel to flourish
“Every big construction site in this country has prostitution run by the cartels, often of children”
“Our politicians are not that expensive —George Soroshas figured this out. He's gone in and elected DAs in democratic counties. Austin, Houston, Dallas, San Antonio. So 70% of our population controlled by Soros DAs”
“He went in and knocked off Democratic DAs because we can't get elected Republicans in those areas. So he went in and knocked off DAs who were actually prosecuting and replaced them with Soros DAs.
Our legislature can fix that. They haven't. They could come in and say, AG, you have concurrent jurisdiction to go after these crimes. But because they haven't done that, crime is proliferating in all of our cities. Financial crimes, other types of crimes, they will not prosecute crimes. So the cartels have an open invitation. So do other cartels from other countries.”