Isa. 6:11 The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb… and a little child shall lead them.
The verified/verifiable new Q drops need to be added to the graphic.
Watch & Sea.
Q's been posting in Hover and POTUS has been verifying with zero deltas, etc.
QR board team is holding Q's trip functionality hostage.
Q posts in hover then puts the post(s) here on the board showing the (you) to verify he was the OP (Q), and then Potus verifies.
Hello, cocky newfag. We have been here before. This is not new, it's just you.
Here's one of Q's transfer posts to QR.
This is how the verification went:
Here's the proof for that Q post.
Incorrect. Q's post specifically states Test and that his Trip Code is not functioning on QR.
BO referencing /hover/ on 03/03/25.
We have been thru this 3 times. Short memory.
This has happened 3 times before, newfag. Watch and learn.
This is Q research. Take your mission to the world and leave the Q you can't handle to the anons here.
Just like the times before, proof has been provided. And rejection and censorship of that proof confirms the claim of the proof. Only option now is to prepare to migrate.
Q posted his Trip is not working on QR. If there is one thing that matters on Q Research, it is that very specific one thing.
Q, there are no autists here.