Anonymous ID: ec20eb March 7, 2025, 8:25 p.m. No.22723351   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>22719268 pb

Evolution itself could be in some form, and is, real.

The Theory the mainstream science has of it, though, is incorrect.

They fail to know the mechanism.

They push the idea that it all "just happened" by itself, like people who believe all the "coincidences" around government criminal conspiracy "Just Happened"

For evolution theory, it's to hide the function of intelligence, i.e. God. And therefore teleology

For political crime, it's to hide the players… and the existence of the crimes.

"Shit just happens" No pattern. Nor organization, of course.THATS CRAZY

Maybe why religious. spiritual people are more likely to be aware of the plandemic and the BLOB. ?

We aren't afraid to see connections and draw conclusions based upon indwelling own-self authority - because we recognize the functioning of intelligence?