Tucker wants to do an interview with Diddy.
He claims diddy wants to "spill the beans" and and that he wants to kill himself
Let diddy to interview from prison? yes no?
Do not ignore me
Tucker wants to do an interview with Diddy.
He claims diddy wants to "spill the beans" and and that he wants to kill himself
Let diddy to interview from prison? yes no?
Do not ignore me
You want the fucking truth? Here it is. Trump mentioned in too many places. Had to kill epstein to stop this shit. This is why both pam and patel pissed their pants. Its not because we are "afraid of mossad". Now stop asking questions.
Amy was picked because she is pro-family.
No other reason. Stop questioning scotus picsk
Whats an RRN shill?
And after the WG come the mudflood. All according to protocol.
needs more red. More small red things.
I dont know. Ukraine is a dark hole power vortex.
Stop asking questions you son of a bitch.
Your curiosity is excessive. Epstein was a dark economy hitman and he wanted to kill USA. He got what he deserved and all his cronies will pay too.
Wrong. have hope america is afraid of nothging. pussy
Why is anti-american spam allowed here? I thought this was our forum?
They will claim "system is rigged" "prisons are unsafe" and so on. Will erode some trust in bureaucracy. I want USA to become high trust society! But diddy tucker will make good tv
Fuck you pussy. Patriots will win!
We are going to legalize weed and prostitution. Low IQ women need to make a living somehow. And cannabis doesn't seem to be that bad.
kai and barron are getting a little.. too close.
And I'm not sure if its a good or bad thing. Advice please
Pray and god will answer, more often than you know.
so we let the interview happen then? Please no shitposting, yes or no?
funny language
its really hard to get the temperature on anon
And how would I know what he is going to say? Can I predict the future? No. It might all turn into a mess. But I need to make decision now. I'm gonna let it happen.
I am going to send a delegation to investigate the Gonzalo Lira death.
5-6 feds for a 6 month investigation should be enough. Don't have time to think about it more than that.
ok so summary:
tariffs continue - bastard cries
tucker gets his interview
gonzalo lira report in 6 months
I'm getting nobel prize
Fifa will become great again
msnbc can go to hell
Patriots win o7
AOC smells really good. Sniffed her hair once
Nope. Sniffing the women is a fun tradition. We all do it.
Maxine waters smells like shit
Elons kid said "Hail trump" and did the nazi salute in the oval office. Barron told him to do this for fun.
This zoomer-generation might be a little too conservative. I'm worried.
Not chair sniffing. Just a little fun whiff when standing close. Not a big deal and its fun.
We do the smelling out of boredom. You know, most of us barely get to leave the premises for weeks. We get to play golf but who the fuck likes to play golf even? Worst sport ever. If you were locked in with unknown depressed body guards 24/7 watching your every breath you find ways to make time pass. Poor people don't get it.
Waters is so gross she is soaked in some expensive perfume and nobody has the balls to tell her that she smells like shit.
kek gotta be more subtle than that
You are not depressed. The deep state just made your life miserable!
Show some support patriots. please. You are needed. Antifa and left is pushing hard
She is pretty hot. But her head is really small IRL. It's like a little peanut
Her hands are really veiny and the head is small as peanut. She also agrees with whatever you tell her. I think she is a psycho with an innocent face. Hot chicks can be more dangerous than the mafia.
But americans are not easily fooled and we see more than she knows. No more din dins. Only berries now.
its fun?
the bastard thinks he is going to fuck me
I like the LARPers. They sometimes give a unique perspective and it amuses me.
The older you are the more powerful you get! You are all gods and there is nothing standing in your way. Patriots will win. Good luck brothers. o7