this meme of ron paul and bernanke is dated
after the ~ 100% inflation of the bidan yrs, the situation is much worse
the current Ag content of ONE pre-1965 quarter is $6.37
the price of gasoline is AT LEAST as low as $2.60/gal, prolly a lot lower in some places
near anon, one pre-1965 quarter now buys 2.45 gallons of gasoline
at $6.37 melt value, a pre-1965 quarter is currently worth 25.5 TIMES its face value
put another way, the PRIVATELY OWNED federal reserve has stolen over 96% of all our wealth in just the past 60 yrs
we would ALL be TWENTY-FIVE times more wealthy if israel had not murdered JFK in 1963
still think they're our greatest ally?