Why Tariffs on Steel need to be permanent.
Chinese Steel vs American Steel Quality - USA Manufacturing Standards vs China.
Differences in Manufacturing Standards
American steel manufacturers are held to a set of standards created by organizations like The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) that determine the appropriate chemistry mixes for different types of steel. These standards are intended as a safety precaution to ensure the right quality of metal is being used for the right product.
Companies in China are producing steel at a faster rate, flooding the market and dropping prices. It is produced at a rapid rate and it is not held up to the same quality standards as American steel. There are anti-dumping laws in place by the World Trade Organization to prevent foreign companies from exporting, or “dumping,” goods to the United States at either prices too far below the domestic price or when they flood the market with an excess quantity that is beyond the normal competition. This situation has lead to trade wars headlined by tariffs between the United States and China.
Dangers of Foreign Steel
A good example of Chinese steel quality issues leading to potential danger is the Oakland Bay Bridge in San Francisco, California. The lower quality of the foreign steel was discovered in 2013 when a seismic test led to the discovery of 32 faulty rods that had to be replaced; they had been corroding in a large pool of water. This is especially problematic since the bridge practically connects two major fault lines, one of which was the cause of the big earthquake in 1989. A metallurgist testified that the Chinese steel was poor quality, and prone to embrittlement, which is why the rods cracked; during construction 750 panels cracked during welding and had to be replaced.