Did he feel bad for Zelensky? Is that supposedly it?
well, that's wierd.
Z. didn't have the money for a suit?
But can afford cocaine?
He appeared high on cocaine.
now-fags are shill
What the use of putting it down, when you fail to actually know.
These idiots have been around for years.
Must suck for the doubt-fags to see us winning so hard.
The doubt fagging works though, Until it doesn't
who is "they"?
So Trump will Win.
q gave a list of reasons.
On was to have a place where Patriots could gather and do Patriot support for each other.
The shill only make us stronger and prove we are "over the target" big time.
US forces were there using Ukraine and Crimea as proxy to threaten Russia.
The US actors claimed the Crimean and Ukrainian people hated Russia. And the US was "working for the people"
Basically laughable, as we can now see. Also, if you'd studied for a long while, you 'd see it then too
Part of a pattern of USA-controlled (by CiA etc.) misbehavior.
See RFK 's testimony as to the authenitc history.
The posts are collected here:
You can read through them.
The answer is: Official Q posts have a special mark.
No other communications that claim to be "Q" should necessaritly be relied upon.
However, even authenitc Q post mixed reality with fiction. And we were told that up front. So you have to use your own judgment.
First step would be to just read the actual Q messages.
If Q is posting elsewhere, very possible, you have to use your own judgement to figure that out. Don't depend on any consensus. We were told to disregard as authentic "Q any who didn't have the proper trip code.
There's been a lot of crappy imitators
We were told to disregard as authentic "Q, any messages that didn't have the proper trip code, on any other platform, etc.
For some reason? Losers like to LARP as Q"? Jealousy?
There's been a lot of crappy imitators
really? looks like an old lady to me.
But FBI knows everything.
Or can convince people of anything in order to frame them
Have you cleaned out your desk yet?
Catch is. They actually have to study to know what "Q message would like like.
And they are either too lazy or too stupid.
Catch is. They'd actually have to study to know what "Q message would look like.
Figures who have they killled and covered it up?
various others
Attempt Reagan
many attempts Trump.
So why wouldn't they try Kash?
That's why he's setting up camp in Las Vegas?