Did you really just post a Gateway Pundit headline in red text?
Normally I would filter you just on principle just for knowing that. But it's Sunday and all so I'll let it slide this time.
You watch your ass.
It's just occasional constipation. A little Ex-Lax and he'll be pontificating all over everyone's ass again in no time.
Kek. I think he's still with us, but probably in stasis until the appropriate moment. I mean look how long they kept Jimmy Carter alive.
Why not? They've laundered everyone else's money over the years.
Are you aware of the concept of the NPC? Did you just get here or something?
I'm not a Fed. I'm a shitposter, therefore logically I am the only organic up in this bitch. The one calling the Fed a Fed is shill bot running a lame, 6 year-old script, even though the Fed he's calling a Fed is actually a Fed.
My post was a sarcastic reply to your sarcasm. Not only is humor allowed, some here actually understand and practice it.
The only thing that can save her from the Gitmo Grape Gangs is Elon impregnating her in exchange for immunity from prosecution.
No one elected you hall monitor Karen. Go make sammiches.