16) Without an empire, Britain today is a modern global money laundering haven. The City of London, finance. British elite appear to be a the criminal gang and world enemy. #LeaveNATO
16) Without an empire, Britain today is a modern global money laundering haven. The City of London, finance. British elite appear to be a the criminal gang and world enemy. #LeaveNATO
>Jeffrey Sachs
Sachs eh?
Has he turned a new leaf since his "shock-therapy" days in league with Soros and handling all that USAID money?
recall a time when Soros was in the mood to have China supplant the US and then he went about calling Xi a great danger. Did Jeffrey and the Harvard Boys get the message?
Jeffrey Sachs, China’s Apologist in Chief
Jeffrey Sachs, the world-renowned economist who leads Columbia University’s sustainable-development program, has advised three U.N. secretaries-general, is the author of numerous books, and regularly appears on television and in the pages of prominent publications. He currently leads the COVID-19 commission of The Lancet, a prestigious medical journal.
He also routinely takes Beijing’s line on a number of issues, including COVID’s origins, China’s role in the world, and the Uyghur genocide.
The Columbia professor has long expressed views with a forgiving attitude toward authoritarian regimes, including the Chinese Communist Party. Over the past few weeks, though, he’s drawn far more attention for doing …
The Pope and/or many/all bishops in Rome are involved. be a hell of a thing if the Vatican Bank was laundering Epstein money
They play their games
Everyone else does too
The rest of us provide the effort that makes it all work by means of debt slavery
no shit
Lamashtu, in Mesopotamian religion, the most terrible of all female demons, daughter of the sky god Anu (Sumerian: An). Often depicted with her is Pazuzu, the Mesopotamian king of wind demons. She was believed to feed on the blood of human infants and was widely blamed as the cause of miscarriages and cot deaths.
can't have one without the other
That thing of "letusmake man inourimage"
has a ring to it that more than one was present
An albino jack rabbit son of a bitch
to trip it up and down
and night shift to boot
"Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead"