Was having a fascinating talk with sis-anon (a critical care consultant) last night about the resident pedofile. She seemed to think it's an FTM and put quite a strong argument forward…
1, twin tree ring scars on the neck are indicative of an adams raisin implant (and would explain why there's no double prong and why it doesn't line up on its throat)
2, Sloping non angular jaw line with pointed chin, at the age its at it should hav had a few natural testosterone dumps to giv it a pronounced male mandible.
3,Tiny dental arch with only 6 teeth on show and naturally pink lips (female trait)
4,low set cheekbones, and even lower set ears. (males' skulls are widest in the cheeks whereas RP is widest in the hairline like a female)
5,Close set beady eyes and absolutely no male brow ridge, hence why it wears glasses to try to cover that up.
6, the stinking attitude it has could be that it has regular T injections and that would cause the over aggressive behaviour and projectionist attitude, it would also explain why its so bitter at the world because a large amount of transgenders regret their decisions eventually.
Without seeing its gait its still inconclusive but having these things pointed out to me it all suddenly started to make sense to me about how RP acts so im just throwing that out there for the other anons to ponder…o7…