Ambrovic's little slut shouldn't have done that last night.
The entitlement on that stupid can't. He really thinks this place is his.
Planned to leave and then the next day Christians start getting slaughtered in Syria. Okay, interesting coincidence but just considered it an actual coincidence in timing. Then Lady BarfBarf pulled that bulletin last night. I'm back.
Bullshit autocorrents to bulletin, cunt autocorrects to can't. KEK
Why are you continually crying about it like some jilted brokeback bitch? Your attempts to hijack the board with the weakest consensus cracking I've ever seen is like watching a train wreck in slow motion.
They're really working hard to try and change board culture to what they want, aren't they? Going to need a bit more than limp gaslighting dripping with desperation to do that.