the jews mist control https
and tha's why it sucks so much on chans
jewish fire kamikazee psychonauts
sympathyfagging is a big part of jingoism
sorry military brats, it is a job
ramen dues
do you want to know more a bout a cold war with death
examine kubrick
it is a proxy war for the cocaine bandits in politics and enforcement
submarines are the belly of the beast of industry and require timely ventings
cold war
trust ill master
bane is a proto archetpe of the military experiments
batman is a fag
ermahntraut is a godfather
some cartoons for the "inner child"
whatever the fuck that betrayed sumabitch is anyways
dishwasher safe ?
what do you mean israel is just a code word for space taech
gtfo biatch
it is like a knights of a malta mkultra paradox
even predated
lucifer is a gut thing
like gluten intolerance
chase the demons out
greek yogurt and a brewed beer
open bay door bombadier
silent but deadly
prepaid black cock at the pointy building
they used to round up their victims and burn them alive , it was called wicker man and thought to be a fertility festival
i think burning man is totally kikeing the still for the better of man kind
even burned a pyramid in 2013
vissa : vissa
best feminist movie ever made
cause pedoraptors
i luv you
leon shot himself in front of whom
$3 domestic
highly suspicious
but "matilda"
was the old codeword before the
cia cover up