We found construction orders to build more cells and equip a lot of them with padding(!). Dimensions & all. All facilities to be upgraded to hold the larger numbers - water, sewer, etc.
We found closures of numerous Federal Prisons to visitors. This changed over time with some allowing visitors again, and new ones prohibiting it. Presumably this has something to do with holding new prisoners, modifying the facility, something like that.
And we had Admiral Tidd around Feb 17th stating that Gitmo was ready to accept a larger number of prisoners.
And we had 1000 Marines sent to Gitmo. My meme on that was harvested on Dec 25, 2017. I thought we also had a 1000-person additional National Guard MP unit sent to Gitmo.
General Mattis visited Gitmo on Dec 23rd.
I don't have all the sauce - this is by memory - and pardon me for using memes to help recollection.
The 14,000 number suggested by anon matches my recollection, more or less. I'm looking for the DoD's bid specifications and work orders, and haven't found them yet. Found a couple articles that may or may not be relevant:
Can't find the sauce on the prison closures. There was also a Women's Federal Detention Facility in West Virginia where the staff were basically told to leave and new Fed personnel took over and that was the last we heard. I assumed they were holding some prisoners there. I forget the capacity: 400?