> https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/399010-meadows-swaps-rosenstein-impeachment-efforts-for-contempt-after??
> Do you understand what is happening?
> Think optics.
> Q
Q says "Think optics." Whose optics?
Not our optics. We remain ?impatient, but convinced. No need to provide optics for us, especially when they seem to be optics of failure.
Not optics for those confused by MSM. They watch the news and believe whatever it tells them. And Q, et al, control the MSM (#ControlledMSM). That dialogue can be reversed at any time. (Think Mirror)
Then whose optics?
Understand there is a vast control structure, a machine of middle-men, of companies, of judges and laws, … that has developed over hundreds of years. Much of this MoMM is corrupt.
To change the world, this machine needs to be brought down.
The appearance is that "nothing is happening." Congress says, ie, "we demand it by this deadline…", "full force of the house…", or "we will impeach…" and then, each time, they back off. And nothing happens. The image of impotence.
Sense of moving forward, then backing away, over and over, like waves…
<causes frustration, impatience, …>
But it's not useless movement, not waves endlessly crashing and accomplishing nothing.
It's chess.
Each move scares the opposition. They then countermove. The subsequent backing off causes them to think their oppo worked.
Note that each opposition counter-move requires illegal actions: ff, 187, bribery, coercion, …
And/or the sacfrice of some of their own people.
> Some platforms will collapse under the weight of their own illegal activities.
They are destroying themselves from within, taking their own pieces off the board.
"Never interrupt your opponent when he is destroying himself."
> [DC moves slow]
> Q
But why not just arrest them and get it over with?
Indictments, court cases, evidence gathering and review, appeals, … take a long time. Years.
The wheels of justice grind slowly.
Let them destroy themselves. This method is far faster, more efficient, and likely to catch things that might have been overlooked.
Then (perhaps after 1 jan 2019, when Executive Order 13825 takes effect), when HRC and others are arrested, much of that vast machine of middle-men will have already been stripped away.