Thank you Baker.
I will TL;DR the Cohen situation since a friend was so kind as to explain it to me.
The lawyer representing Michael Cohen is ex-lawyer to Bill Clinton, BUT he is also a CURRENT lawyer to Dmitro Fritash who is a Pro-Russian Ukrainian Oligarch who the US is trying to extradite back to the US for charges.
Firtash is also closely linked to Manafort who lobbied in Ukraine for the"Party of Regions" as a member of the Podesta Group. Podesta Group and Manafort are up on charges for failing to register as FARA agents. (Among many other charges).
Lanny Davis's strategy is to convince Cohen to lie in court about Trump to try and make something stick. This is not going to work and will completely back fire. It will also completely screw over Cohen because Lanny Davis is more interested in trying to bring Trump down than he is in protecting his client.
Reminder that all along Q has stated that POTUS is 100% insulated and anyone saying otherwise is wrong. Please remember this when you see headlines bouncing around.
(HOPEFULLY all these images will post in one shot)