Probably because letting it smolder and not covering it only helps POTUS in the long run.
>Q has been addressed by the MSM many times, so they are fully aware of the movement.
>MSM only ever covers Q in a dismissive way, writing hit pieces and slandering the movement.
>If MSM ACTUALLY BELIEVED what they were writing (that Q is a LARP), they would be itching to ask about Q every chance they got
>It would put the administration in an uncomfortable position, cast POTUS base in a negative light, and make them disillusioned, all by merely asking a question.
>Which means, they know about Q, know Q is real, know what is coming, and know that asking about it will only accelerate it.
By asking why journalists don't just ask, Q is showing us very real and logical proof that the MSM knows about Q and are SCARED.
Q is also showing us that although we may be impatient, what is happening right now is Q is allowing the movement to build, all the while the media can't credibly address it to shut it down, because doing so would involve reaching out to the WH for comment.
They are currently hamstrung to run vapid hit pieces that only serve to make people curious, and Q is rubbing that in their face.