Same unfortunately. I stopped digging end of March.
Still big Trump supporter and I come to lurk and encourage, make other anons life or just visit with the Autists i enjoy being around. I stated it in a long post back then.
Still come here a lot and luv you faggots.
Sadly many anons dont come here anymore.
I still believe in the reasons I came to for this board to exist
There is a plan, but I dont think we’ll get a wall and DS faggots arent going to GITMO.
But I do see LE crackin heads on the Pedos and there is still some great digs here.
Thank you faggots, keep on keepin on.
Those are fantastc! i wanna moterboat.
Ill ad that to my collection! That makes 5 kickass FemAnons sharing their bewbs with us!
Luv you Patriotesses!
Dammit those are fake.
Not cool Anon!
I have four real FemAnon TGTFO
from the bewb wars.
No fake ones please, it cheapens /ourgirls/ efforts for the cause