Bring back cartoons
Satan worshippers have chitty memes and politicians
Bring back cartoons
Satan worshippers have chitty memes and politicians
It's a flat fucking tire on a fucking minivan
I bet it's asshole worship
Are ya wishing for lightening
Why they snooping in networks
Doomed to be flushed down toilet @fagOTUS
MSM wants to strok teh privates for shekels
Streamed American movies are so much better outside the country, cause of the huge Hollywood psyops to maintain the superficial superlative fake cia economy
Griefmonger ciascalps got y'all pensive with duress again, bummer
[ ]ult
[ ]n
[ ]merika
Are obsessed with winning
It'll be so nice to get off this fucking reservation of replerbicans
LOrd of the flies
Had a map
A plan
Some salad tossing BV (aflb)
And a rock on the head
THE JOKes of the lies
Are based
And insulting
Use a toilet
That's not a fart
Finger in the butt for you