Anonymous ID: 989983 July 31, 2018, 9:46 a.m. No.2372155   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2167 >>2216 >>2235

A Qproof from this post:


DAY AFTER, DJT gave his MT rally.


Notice in crowd, in VIPs right behind POTUS, up front and on the right, something NEVER featured at a rally before:


Four Catholic priests! Subject matter in Question.


Look closely at what happens at 5:26:


Watch 2nd priest on left. Hands directly visible to camera. Notice some very curious hand motions … and as if on cue, he makes a Q SIGN with left thumb/right hand:


At the point of this signal, what is DJT saying?

"Vacant seats."

Sede vacante. VACANT SEATS.

"Five empty seats" … five antipopes all in a row since Vatican II.


The MSM & secret society masters will try to discredit. They always do. They CAN'T ask about Q.


"There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, and nothing hidden that will not be made known. What I tell you in darkness, speak it in the light; and what you hear whispered, preach it on the housetops" (Mt.10:26,27).


"Those you are taught to TRUST the most….." (2355103)


JFK, only US President who was Catholic, would have noticed the radical changes & was in powerful enough position to stop it. Probably the REAL reason for his murder.


(The same usurping of power was later mirrored in US government – possibly in CONJUNCTION. Why were SO MANY of the men who followed JFK possibly involved? Birth certificate? Does anyone care? Can ANYONE be President? Can ANYONE be pope? Does anyone know enough to care anymore? They do, but MSM always hides it. "Radical extremist." No, just common sense.)

Anonymous ID: 989983 July 31, 2018, 9:47 a.m. No.2372167   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2171



This is NOT about religion. Those whose symbolism will be their downfall WANT to divide you and make it about that. How dumb. It isn't. That attitude is part of the problem we face – it keeps everyone stupid. This is not that. Think world powers. We are united as Americans under our Constitution. We can have different faiths and hold to different dogmas and still love one another and get along. And we can talk about leaders of major religious groups and look into their actions and potential GREAT CRIMES and even question their LEGITIMACY – again, this is NOT about religion, let's not even go there; this is about cabals and symbolism, mass public deception, unlawful usurpers, and major shifts in world cultures that do affect ALL regardless of faith or beliefs.


"These most crafty enemies have filled and inebriated with gall and bitterness the Church"…


In October 1958, white smoke rose from the Sistine Chapel. A new pope elected (Siri). Then usurpers seized the moment. BLACK SMOKE. They put their fellow man in. Public facts.


John 23 stunned occultists of the world with his name – the name and number of a previous antipope. Never done before. Evil message. 23 skidoo Was he even eligible?


Third Secret of Fatima warned of this Apocalyptic situation, near total loss of hierarchy and Sacraments. Supposed to be released in 1960, when action could be taken. Instead, they kept hidden.


MSM never acknowledges or calls it "crazy." Pedo protectors. And performance artists who are DISinfo agents in this war. Yes, "The War Is Now!"


Are hundreds (at one point THOUSANDS) of smartest clerics around the world, classically educated, of many races & across many cultures, all "crazy" for holding fast to doctrine and practices of their forebears for nearly 2 millennia? Same for tens of thousands of "traditional Catholics" everywhere. They KNOW something happened but MSM tries to keep them SILENCED (and perpetrate the HOAX).


Enemy conniving. Lead false resistances and break-offs from false resistances. Division their specialty. Anti-peacemakers. Many good people tricked by wolves. By their fruits you shall know them.


Main point: the Catholic Church is in a time of sede vacante, happened MANY times in history but never this bad: since Second Vatican Council in 1960s no legitimate successor to Peter. The See of Rome is vacant. ALL the Sees vacant in the world. Stolen by satanic enemy as part of plan long written & gloated about. (His DC statue is oddly NOT one they demand to cover up or tear down. Why?)


Most people never heard about sedevacantism & if facts suddenly revealed & discussed on MSM (like they SHOULD have decades ago) it would shock world. People would get sick. Our job to educate & prepare for shock of what's coming & aid in GREAT restoration.


If crime networks harming children are so vast & widespread, what better organization to oversee it? Huge pedophilia scandals in Church occurred after Vatican II (seeds planted before). Amount & widespread nature is new to Church history. There were dark times (11th cen); but NEVER institutionalized like now. Pope Paul IV thought crime so heinous (and rare) that perpetrators should be immediately turned over to civil authorities … for execution! Early in 20th century, THOUSANDS of Communists infiltrated hierarchy. Embedded agents in place. Ask Bella Dodd. Sang loud. Many books on it. AA-1025.

Anonymous ID: 989983 July 31, 2018, 9:48 a.m. No.2372171   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Throwing out antipopes & restoring Church would affect ALL everywhere. This is NOT about religion. This is about a great corrupt evil power that seduced & duped & caused much scandal & suffering. Where do all the children go? What are they doing with $? No Papal Coronation Oath, no crown – dismantling EVERYTHING everywhere is their plan. Removing wicked usurpers would help more than Catholics – it would help ALL. Everyone is affected by this global crime network. Culture would change. "As goes Rome, so goes the world." An old saying. How has the world gone since the 1960s?


Catholic Church has 7 Sacraments. THEY CHANGED ALL SEVEN with Vatican II. Ordinations replaced, invalid. NO priests. Mass replaced. Not "translated" into Latin, as ignorant victims are fooled to believe; it was a whole new creation, the Novus Ordo ("New Order"). It adds a handshake moment so satanists can identify each other! Even the Canon (that which can't be changed) WAS changed, new words render it null/invalid. The man in charge of it, Annibale Bugnini, high up in the anti-Christ secret society, later hung himself in Turkey. Would YOU go to a service crafted by this warlock? Untold millions do! A priest in charge of the English translation, Fr Sommerville, wrote a public apology for his part:


MSM ignored. Most have no clue what they have lost. GREAT documentary to help people understand what was lost for Catholics & what repercussions have been & how world might get it back AGAIN:

(Save in case they remove.)


What offices were just raided in Chile?


What's happening in India?


What's happening in Washington?


Those you are taught to TRUST the most…


The good news?

Is the Pope Catholic?

The Robber Church


The good news is that the world is on to them. Numbers are growing. The lying media, the symbolism, the reign of evil is about to end. Where we go one, we go all.