Thank you, Patriots.
I feel your love and support.
We are many and they are few.
Where we go one we go all.
Pray with me, Patriots World Wide:
Thank you Q, for leading us to Freedom.
Thank you all those who risk their lives for Truth and Justice.
Thank you to the whistle blowers, and all those who refuse to stand silently by in the face of evil.
Thank you POTUS for showing us what a strong and loving leader looks like.
Thank you FLOTUS for your dignity and grace.
Thank you Patriots for your strength and courage.
May we all be safe.
May we all be guarded from harm, in even the most perilous of places.
May each and every one of us be our best selves in this battle.
May we choose love, every single time.
I'm with you, Patriots.
Every step of the way.
Love Triumphs.
Oh boy, is it ever going to be a bad day for you, [clowns].
Who's in the [ ] today?