Anonymous ID: fbf579 July 31, 2018, 9:37 a.m. No.2372046   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2083 >>2087 >>2101 >>2375 >>2400 >>2419 >>2491 >>2533

In 2012 Andrew Breitbart died of heart failure days after calling John Podesta a pedophile on twitter. In 2016 a group of Autists where combing through Podesta's emails released by Wikileaks and found proof that Podesta was involved in a large underground network that later became known in Pizzagate/pedogate. In the last news cycle of the 2016 election this research brought to light spirit cooking which became the top trending hash on twitter for two days before it was deleted. While disgusting, spirit cooking is by far the most tame of the things that I saw uncovered in those emails, but it does provide innuendo for satanic ritual abuse and was perfect material for red pilling. I can assure you that this was important in get out the vote efforts for conservative Christians and shifted votes away from Hillary. What happened between these two events will go down in history as the lead up to the Second American Revolution.


In 2014 two events that were unconnected until later where going on simultaneously. There was a hard push for war in Syria led by the likes of John McCain. In 2012 the collapse of Libya created an opening to run weapons into Syria to arm the Rebels. Among the weapons that were acquired from the collapse of the Libyan government would almost certainly have been chemical weapons. The chemical weapons attacks in Syria crossed a red line that would have lead to war, possibly with Russia. White hats in the military including General Flynn put a stop to this and the soldiers posting pictures with signs saying things like I didn't sign up to be al qaeda's airforce turned public opinion away from war. In the same year a culture war was waging between feminists and gamers. While the ethics of journalism in gaming is a relatively small matter, the tactics used to battle the feminist social justice war machine that is our mockingbird media were developed in what is known as gamergate.


In 2015 The military approached Trump with an audacious plan to perform a coup through a legitimate election. Our elections have been rigged for a long time and controlling 5 to 10 different large counties in 5 to 10 different swing states is what determines our presidential elections. Voter fraud isn't the issue, it is election fraud that is the problem. Regardless, the Trump campaign received immediate backing from the very autists that had just battled during gamergate. By 2016 there were members of the Trump Campaign on the boards coordinating with autists who functioned as a free/grass roots propaganda wing for the Trump Campaign. Autists are great at combing through large amounts of information and refining an idea into memes which once there stick in the mind and over time transform people's thoughts. While most Autists were in the dark on what was going on, myself included, we were a useful tool in the plan, and so we became an important part of the plan.


The method that was so successful had been white hats in intelligence whistle blowing and leaking through our guy JA. This intelligence was combed through and released to the public which had historically ignored it. This is where the Autists came into play. Not only do autists comb through these things, but they process it and turn it into dank memes that turn into cultural phenomena. Q is a continuation of this and has made the process more accessible to normies. As normies are awakened, they become a little more autist, but they retain their normie lives which allows them to deliver red pills in person to friends and family. This bypasses the MSM and social media throttling and shadow banning. Q research is ultimately about manufacturing red pills to bring about the Great Awakening. This will bring the public to a level where they can receive information and process it for themselves. This will make people able to hear mockingbirds sing and recognize it for what it is.