Serious question re. the "royal bitchslapping" op received: If someone diligently studies a subject, the greater amount of time he spends on that subject, the greater expert he will be, no? What does official "education" have to do with it? What good is a college degree based on X number of years, resulting in X number of initials after your name, if the bulk of the information you learned to repeat was false? What good is an educated doctor if his patients stay sick because the drugs he prescribes don't work? Explain to me how "college education" somehow lends greater credence to an argument. There is a reason we are anon here, because that shit doesn't matter, only the facts do. I am interested in facts, and would love to see all possible facts presented by both sides of all arguments. Anyone who steps over the line to attempt the coercion of another individuals free will is a tool of Satan.