Anonymous ID: 86264d Aug. 1, 2018, 12:53 p.m. No.2395353   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Every American that works in any capacity for the media on or off camera is on notice. Walk away now. immediately. call in sick the rest of the week.


without you lower-level quislings they wouldn't be able to operate. in what way are you not guilty of their crimes?


it is now August 2018. not October 2016. no more blackmail excuses. no more I need my paycheck. no more muh fears.


people are dying because of your pay checks? walk away now. call in sick the rest of the week and watch what happened to Ceausescu and the state media in Romania. member? we do. member Vegas? Member 911? Member JFK? Member the Liberty? Member Ceaucescu.


think it over. you people are P&P of the cover up of American Beslans for fun. you protect pedophiles and cannibals. you cover for people that induce Alzheimer, Parkinsons, type I…


disgusting. shameless. at this point there you all are hiding behind muh grocery bill. walk away.