Guys I'm a little conflicted with the latest developments.
It was a little disconcerting seeing Trump at the rally yesterday with a bunch of Q signs around instead of MAGA signs.
I know that Truth and Disclosure are our ultimate goals, but its pretty risky to conflate the Q movement with the Trump movement in order to gain popularity for the Q movement. What if we risk diminishing the power of the Trump movement by focusing on Q? We are already seeing how the MSM will conflate Q (and by virtue of that, all Trump supporters) with "fringe groups".
This question might more easily be framed if we first assess and then compare each movement and their relative strengths:
Firstly, we have a strong movement right now, that is, the Trump / MAGA movement. The Trump agenda is working perfectly, Trump has delivered on his promises, the Trump supporters are winning credibility with the masses by displaying the virtues of our demands, and Trump is demonstrating how our philosophy leads to better government. In my opinion, we are now poised for many more electoral victories.
On the other hand, the Q movement has been a Great Awakening for many. But not so much for the rest. We have done a great job of uncovering many conspiracies, but what prospects do we have of achieving further goals? And, what specifically are those goals? And what do we risk by pushing for those goals?
Let me put it differently, we ALL win by promoting the MAGA movement. Having Trump and the movement be strong is our best chance for Draining the Swamp and clearing out many of the conspiracies we discuss in Q Research. But do we ALL win if we start to conflate Trump with Q in the minds of the rest of the country?
Q seems pretty credible. But has he demonstrated any proofs beyond a number of 'coincidences' as he says? Enough proofs to demonstrate to the masses of normalfags that this is legit when they start to dig into it after seeing us at Trump rallies? Will what they find encourage them to support the Trump movement more, or less?
Has Q demonstrated enough credibility to risk pinning him onto the identity of the MAGA movement?
That is my question for you, anons. Do we trust this thing enough to risk it all. What are the intentions of Q once he gains mainstream credibility? Do we have control over the Q movement once that happens? How do we KNOW we can trust this as nothing has been proven to us for CERTAIN.
Should we press on with making this mainstream without more concrete evidence of what we are actually involved in here?