Christ called those Jews still sacrificing animals at the temple in Jerusalem a synagogue of satan / adversary in Rev. 3:9 b/c they were standing against God. They denied His Son, the promised Messiah, and defied God's will. Everyone who denies Christ, and stands against God is an adversary.
Most of the Christian world has been deceived by a perspective that is a recent development (late 1800's - early 1900's) that twists scripture to uphold a political agenda - the Zionist agenda.
For instance, let's say that after your grandmother died, you discovered your a diary she had written as a young girl before she met and married your grandfather. In it she wrote of a dream, or hope that she wanted to travel to Paris soon, in the next year or so. She wrote of places she wanted to see, and things she wanted to do there. The diary ended before she took the trip.
But, you know she took the trip b/c your Mom kept a photo album with pics of g-mom in Paris. When you read her diary, do you think that the word "soon" that she wrote 65 years or so ago still means "soon" when you read it now? Do you think that her future is still out ahead of you in your future?
That is what the Rothschilds did to God's word. They found a stooge in Cyrus Scofield, and wrote a dispensational novel outlined in the Scofield Reference "bible" that promoted a "near" and "soon" return of Christ so He could save the Jews; and therefore we all had to help and participate in the project to rebuild Jerusalem.
God had destroyed Jerusalem and that temple in AD 70 b/c He was through with it. The old Mosaic animal sacrificial system was fulfilled in Christ's sacrifice. The last days were not speaking the end-of-the-world, but were always about the end of the desolations of Jerusalem (Dan. 9:24-27). They were the last days of that old covenant.
Jerusalem makes a nice tourist spot. But, that is all.