Part 1 of 2: It Was Time
Yesterday, looking on Youtube for a video of the current Trump Rally in Florida, I stumbled upon a past rally there, on November 5, 2016. It turned out to be a very remarkable speech where Trump, as still a candidate, recounts several of the main shenanigans involving the Clintons, Weiner, and Podesta–including 650,000 classified emails, 33,000 deleted, 13 mobile phones destroyed, the illegal server, Weiner's laptop, the Tarmac meeting, and the complicity of the DOJ and the MSM in rigging the system in favor of corruption; however not mentioning even worse crimes, such as those related to U1. I thought, at this time, it would make a good introductory summary for neophytes, showing that all these things were known beforehand (past proves future). So I transcribed an excerpt for you, beginning at the 14:48 mark, here it is.
Real change also means restoring honesty to our government. As you know, the FBI–and I give them a lot of credit, because they're fighting forces that they're not supposed to be fighting–has reopened its criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton. [CROWD CHEERS]
They're also conducting a second criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton's pay-for-play corruption at the State Department. You see what's happening there. It has been confirmed that the 650,000 emails they discovered (by accident) [LAUGHTERS]–Do you believe it? 650,000 email! Oh, that's a treasure trove. That is gonna be a lot of bad emails in there.–they discovered it on Anthony Weiner's… think of it. Can you imagine? Anthony Weiner has probably every classified email ever sent… [LAUGHTERS] and knowing this guy, he probably studied every single one, in-between using his machine for other purposes… [LAUGHTERS] including brand new emails not previously turned over to authorities; likely including some very, very classified information.
However, the reports also show that the political leadership at the Department of Justice is trying very hard–and as hard as they can–to protect their angel: Hillary. [CROWD BOOING] Remember Bill Clinton just happened, when he was in Phoenix, Arizona, just happened to see her plane–the Attorney General's plane. "Oh! there's the Attorney General! Oh, what a… what an unbelievable…" He was gonna play golf–it was about a hundred and ten degrees–he was gonna play golf. "Oh, I was gonna play golf; let me say hello. Hey! let's get together." Boom. I thought it was 39 minutes, it turned out it was 45 minutes. So [he] went on to the plane on the tarmac, and…–right on the tarmac–and they had a meeting for 45 minutes, right before she was supposed to issue her judgment on Hillary–and maybe Bill: Bill could be a target–who knows?–because of what's going on. So, she met with him for 45 minutes. They discussed golf. That's about two minutes. They discussed grandchildren. Give them five. The rest of the time, what do you think they discussed? I would say like: "I hope you will be a partner of our administration…" What do you think? What a disgrace! I'll tell you what: our country has never been in a situation like it's in right now. Never been. It's so dishonest.
It's a rigged system, folks, I've been saying it. It's a rigged system, and it begins with the media. Because the media rigs it. The media rigs it. [APPLAUSE] Did you see all those reports, where the New York Times is sending them things, and they're saying: "Listen, we've got this reporter…" Essentially, a hundred percent, this is friendly stuff where other reporters are sending them stories to check: "Do you have any change?" It's never happened to ME–man! I used to–actually–I used to get good publicity until I decided to run. Now, I think I have, and they even say–actually the Times said (one of the writers at the Times said)–"We don't care. We don't care if it's fair enough." It's so out of control: "We don't care." It's the greatest pile-on in the history of politics, and that's okay! I used to be on the other side–don't forget, I did very well. But I also love our country, and it was time. It was time: we had to do something. It was time.