Anonymous ID: 7b69ef Aug. 1, 2018, 2:21 p.m. No.2397190   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2395154 (pb)

>Can we get something to fight them ? We are getting fucked every single minutes they BRAINWASH PEOPLE OVER AND OVER.


No anon, we ARE winning. People are trickling in all the time now - you can see it by some of the seemingly stupid questions, the lack of knowledge of drops less than a month or two old even, and by all the (some real, some fake) outrage at the culture here. That trickle is ever increasing - the dam has the crack in it and it doesn't take too long for the amount of pressure being applied turns that crack into a full-on flood-gate burst.


Hell just today I had yet another friend (4th this week alone) who I noticed posting Q drop info on farcebook and/or twatts. Unfortunately not all of it was good info… THIS needs to be our focus now - aligning the newfags with the real message and not allowing THEM to get too caught up in some of the more 'out there' topics we discuss here.


That said






The Normies guide to Q-Research, A Primer:


Welcome to 8Chan.

We will offend you.

We will disgust you.

We will revolt you.


>And we will educate you.


Here's some guidelines to keep in mind as you begin your journey:

1) 8Chan is the single largest hivemind-brainstorming session in the history of the world.

2) This brainstorming session is not being held here, on 8ch alone. It spills over to halfchan (you probably call it 4chan or 'the chans' - they are not, they are halfchan)

  • oh, and they are comped. Mods and massive amounts of agents of (((them))) are actively working against the message and the truth. We are, at least for now, not.

3) If you're not being hazed, heckled, insulted and called fag, you're not participating. All of these things should be considered more an indication of acceptance. If you don't have a thick skin, don't post. Just lurk.

  • <If you don't have a thick skin, don't post. Just lurk.

  • >If you don't have a thick skin, don't post. Just lurk.

  • (((If you don't have a thick skin, don't post. Just lurk.)))


Fucking Loud and Clear? 5:5?



4) Because this IS one massive, rolling brainstorming session keep some things in mind - Every topic is open to be considered. Not every topic is plausible. Every theory is up for debate. Most theories get shot down silently (nobody responds). Some get shot down in flames (you get destroyed via a variety of means).

5) Again, because thsi is a gigantic brain storming session, enter it at your own risk. And keep a level head but an open mind.

~ Openly engage (after an obligatory few days to weeks of lurking only) and offer up suggestions, dig-info, refutations of others digs (that's what we post it on here first for, after all)

~ DO NOT hop fully on board with anything - no matter how much it may support your own preconceived beliefs that you brought with you.

~ Keep Occams Razor in mind at all times. -"Multiple theories? The thing that requires the least assumptions is most likely the truth"(sic)

~ If it's not demonstrably provable - meaning if you don't have enough clear-cut evidence that isn't based on supposition - then don't go sharing it, no matter how cool/shocking/interesting it may be.

~ If you wouldn't feel comfortable talking about it with your grandmother or your daughter, then don't fucking go sharing it. Not without 'very' solid proof.

~ By all means - while (((here))) entertain the insane - but only throw your support behind the factually provable, and only share what you can produce up the solid evidence for.

6) Q is NOT your personal fucking magic 8-ball.

7) If you've not at least read all the drops, well, get your fucking ass off here and head to

~ Start at the beginning, read.

~ >Read past drops!

~ <RE READ past fucking drops!


Loud n Clear?


Good we can continue.


8) Frequent rereading of drops is recommended.

9) Remember, we are ANON - and we ARE Targeted - this means no fucking plans for meet ups, no shilling and trying to get someone to reveal themselves, and above all - NO FUCKING SELF DOXING.

~ No providing personal info beyond general anecdotal that can't be traced to you.

10) We don't try to DOX Q.

11) Doxing others will get you banned.

12) Nudity is normal here, often some pretty horrid stuff.

13) Gore is fairly common here - it's fake, but it's still not the thing to allow your kids or parents to see… utilize the scripts provided in the meta, or filter immediately and move on.

14) Dont feed the shills (((THIS THIS THIS)))

15) If you can't follow these rules, go back to plebit, jewtoob or wherever you 'were' getting info from. 8ch is not for everyone.

16) don't go clicking around on 8ch (and this is for your own mental well being) there's hings that even HRC's bleachbit can't remove from your brain.

17) fuck you new fags - lurk moar.


And finally:


… i.. I think I'm done here.