Jim does seem like a classic psychotic ready to snap any moment. His doctor really should look into switching his meds.
Wow … they did a real number on you didn't they. Totally indoctrinated into the color coding inoculation. Rehab your ass and fast.
Nothing makes sense when you use color coding for consciousness. Therefore you don't make sense. You just made yourself a ibid. A nothing. Worthless.
Get the picture.
Sarah J. is that you? Thought you would be busy pushing your crayon ideology in some article your writing for the NYT's.
Boy did you find a home there
Why dismiss local? Unless they have the shooter and now it's for FBI to handle, since it's not local.
So bitch at the guy at the top who has a name and call em out. You to stupid to get off the crayons … like their color make your point, instead of the content of the message. O
look at the pretty colors.
Who the hell are you talking about. No one gives a shit what color their fucking tie or eyes are.
Who is the person causing the issue. Who can you focus the idea on?
They have a name, a job title. Moran
No excuses for the media…the damage went deep for many people and viewers. Derailed their lives and futures.
Pushed sexual mutilation via trans agenda. Push child mental abuse via schools gender dysphoria indoctrination.
Pushed deep state to help erode and take down Constitution and Republic.
No excuses for Acosta … he needs to be put away for a long time. He was no less dangerous then a slow death via poison.