>>59! q sourced msm links
Welcome to the mainstream.
We knew this day would come.
(glimpse)(what to expect)
POTUS’ twitter comments
Liberal Democrats
Fake News WW
Fake MAGA supporters
Bandwagon shills
Paid shills (Media Matters)
Intel infiltration (neg dissemination).
MSM infiltration (neg dissemination).
Twitter bot attack (twitter controls dir/fake accts)
(FB/Twitter/etc create massive amounts of fake user accts for SP (fake user growth %)/bot use etc).
All activated past 24hrs.
Full attack mode (brute force).
False ‘violent’ narrative push.
Ask yourself, why?
Enjoy the show!
q went mainstream wow: just a sample - they really scared, something BIG is about to DROP?
we are public now kek
wanted to post all the [sample] links but body too long kek
wew lads looks like the damn msm dam is overflowing finally
mirror-like, overflow of people freed to make their own choice based on q followers' word - you know what that means and what our role is, remember Your first awakening, disbelief, still under many spells etc - treat them kind, walk them through any q relayed stuff they are open to discover. that said, newfags do not shit in here, observe and learn, remember why You came here. so much txt but i'm hyped kek