If only there was a news outlet during slave times when white slave owners sodomized black fathers in front of their families to show dominance. White people are fucking terrified of being the minority after fucking up every other minority. Who gave small pox to a group of people that wanted to break bread and feast? WHITE PEOPLE. Always have an ulterior motive when coming in the name of "peace & friendship."
Who's creating AI and pushing the transhumanism movement? Who's spreading diseases to white out people? Zionists white people. Maybe it's in their nature…bloodline of the evil one. School shootings? You guessed it. Introduced and pushed cocaine in inner cities? C_A run by WHITE PEOPLE. Don't pretend it exists while the world crumbles. Black people bleaching their skin to fit in. Asians making anime with European features as to worship the fairer skin.
Lucifer wanted to objectify beauty which in the Bible says the evil one had PALE skin. Geoengineering. Redefining life. White people. It's in the spirit, centered around the depiction of what the world is…subversion in EVERY culture for their own agenda. Mind numbing video games? Who created it? White people. Who wants to edit genetics with CRISPR? You guessed it. Trying to CREATE like the Nephilim. Pushing transhumanism and hybrids with animals. SpiderMan. BatMan. WereWOLF.
Change my fucking mind, sheeple.
Thanks White People!
Go back to reddit faggot. Stop adopting african babies to rape, white devil.
Who wants biometrics via iPhone X? WHITE PEOPLE. Get the fuck outta here.
But the white people owned FED is still up and running. Kek. Slacktivism at its finest.
Who killed Gaddafi? Killary. aka WHITE DEVILS.
Yet white people want all this tech to be tracked 24/7. Social currency dictates if you eat or starve. Wew. White devils need to be stopped.
And white devils are? Margaret Sanger? Killing black babies. Pilgrims? Killing native americans. Internment camps? WHITE PEOPLE. But hey, just a coincidence, eh?
And you think the KKK…I mean C_A isn't doing that with your texts and nudes? They learn from the best, Saltine.
Lady Gaga at an occult ritual…sounds about white.
And coincidentally, "quads" don't exist because it's too real. Sandra Bullock, Madonna, Charlize Theron, lesbian couples, adopting black kids to mind fuck them. Wew. You're all faggots, CrackerAnons.
But Q can't end the fed? Fuck off.
What you're feeling is shame with a dash of "Oh fuck, minorities are waking up!"