from last bread >>2414589
I think this is genuine…. when I open the selfie it rotates…. that's a glitch caused by posting from a smartphone.
from last bread >>2414589
I think this is genuine…. when I open the selfie it rotates…. that's a glitch caused by posting from a smartphone.
and here's her previous post
someone stating the fucking obvious
oh hey read Mark Taylor's prophecy
Too bad they don't have VIP tripcodes here, kek.
yes I agree. Too many cucks in the country and too many fucking morons on /qresearch/
>parrot named Sarah Sanders.
Doesn't someone have a parrot with the name Sarah Sanders that they can spare to send Jim?
The craziest looking are the brightest.
The crazy looking ones are the ones who have solved the most puzzles.
Think wearing linen shirts, bib overalls, long beards, and wool hats.
9 months. You?
Then, please click this link and enjoy. >>>/s/
>Don't you all agree we should stop with the naked pictures?
Don't you agree that this is a FREE SPEECH ZONE?
And you just told me to change that for you?
Fuck off. I speak my mind. You speak yours. Just for that stupid ass comment here's some fucking gore for you. I hope you appreciate it. I'm sure BV will be along shortly to spoiler it.
Get about 20 people and start walking back and forth clucking behind him kek
unlike a bunch of fucking shills here
I'm 35 and been awake my whole life.
That's why I'm a handyman.
Stay on the down low and keep my nose clean and out of all the government bullshit.
NO worries. Q didn't deliver on his promises for 11/2017 either
Now get the fuck out and stop worrying about this glorious LARP we are in.
where the hell you from anon the south?
You CLEARLY do NOT understand.
Show your fucking tits or get the fuck out.
Girls use their tits for currency and we do NOT apppreciate that here.
>Left unsaid is, there are no boys, either. Dumbass.
No. It is not left unsaid.
Boys are not hormonal bitches like women are.