>>2414400 lb
>everyone who sees the importance of the statement is a patriot who should try to help find a solution.
As long as there is ANY element of subjectivity in baking, this problem will persist…this is why there's a baker shortage, imo.
Take the subjectivity out, make it a purely technical process and I'd bet that the shortage goes away.
As it stands now, some BV's (along with the shills) try to exert editorial control (not to mention sliding with bewbie-rools), and I've noticed that a couple of them like to famefag along with the recognition that comes with Board Volunteer in the name-field (particularly that Mel Gibson BV).
I got sideways with AFLB way back…banned at least 10 fucknig times…and I'm sideways with one (or more) BV's now…it's why I don't bake anymore.
Couple of suggestions:
1) Re-visit the white-listed tripcode idea.
2) Put responsibility for Notables ENTIRELY in the hands of anons…maybe an "upvote" script or something (just because reddit does it doesn't make it a bad idea).
Just my 0.03…Take it FWIW.